If a property is unoccupied for a period of time, a well that services the house can fall into disrepair. It might be possible to revive a well that hasn’t been used for years and put it back into use, but it should be inspected first. If you have questions about how long can a well sit unused and the condition of a well that you’ve found on your property, Tri-County Water Services can help.
Have the Well Inspected
A well that hasn’t been used or cared for in years is likely to be in poor condition. It might have cracks, or it might even be in danger of falling in on itself. If you find a well that’s been neglected, have it inspected by a knowledgeable professional. Tri-County Water Services can check the well for signs of damage and tell you what types of repairs will be needed to get it back into working order.
Have the Water Tested
Don’t drink the water or use it for any other purpose unless you have had it inspected and gotten the green light. Water that has been sitting in a well for years is stagnant and may be contaminated with bacteria, heavy metals, sediment, and other harmful substances.
Several types of filtration systems can be used to remove contaminants from water. The team at Tri-County Water Services can test a sample of water from the unused well on your property. If we discover that the water contains one or more dangerous substances, we can recommend a way to make the water safe for your family to use.
Get Professional Advice on an Unused Well
A well that hasn’t been used for a long period of time might not be in good condition, but it might be possible to repair it and improve the quality of the water to make it safe for your family to use. You can rely on the experienced team at Tri-County Water Services to assess the condition of your well, answer questions about how long can a well sit unused, and give you advice on how to proceed. Call us today at (610) 857-1740 to schedule an inspection.
I liked that you said that you must have unused water well checked by a professional to see the possibility of repairing it and improving its water quality. This reminds me of homeowners who need to have their water well repaired as soon as possible. I would assume that hiring a professional would the best choice for them to ensure that the repair is going to be completed right the first time.
I’m in NC and a construction company with Rebuild.nc used my old well after they built the house. They didn’t put chlorine in it or nothing